ORGANIC SEED GROWERS AND TRADE ASSOCIATION, Organic Crop Improvement Association International, Inc., The Cornucopia Institute, Demeter Association, Inc., Center for Food Safety, Beyond Pesticides, Navdanya International, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, Northeast Organic Farming Association/Massachusetts Chapter, Inc., Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire, Northeast Organic Farming Association of Rhode Island, CT Nofa, Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont, Rural Vermont, Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association, Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers Inc., Southeast Iowa Organic Association, Mendocino Organic Network, Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance, Midwest Organic Dairy Producers Alliance, Western Organic Dairy Prodcucers Alliance, Canadian Organic Growers, Peace River Organic Producers Association, Family Farmer Seed Cooperative, Sustainable Living Systems, Global Organic Alliance, Food Democracy Now!, Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, Weston A. Price Foundation, Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Fedco Seeds Inc., Adaptive Seeds, LLC, Sow True Seed, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Mumm's Sprouting Seeds, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co., LLC, Comstock, Ferre & Co., LLC, Seedkeepers, LLC, Siskiyou Seeds, Countryside Organics, Wild Garden Seed, Cuatro Puertas, Seed We Need, Alba Ranch, Wild Plum Farm, Gratitude Gardens, Richard Everett Farm, LLC, Philadelphia Community Farm, Inc, Genesis Farm, Chispas Farms LLC, Midheaven Farms, Koskan Farms, California Cloverleaf Farms, North Outback Farm, Taylor Farms, Inc., Ron Gargasz Organic Farms, Abundant Acres, T & D Willey Farms, Full Moon Farm, Inc., Common Good Farm, LLC, American Buffalo Company, Radiance Dairy, Quinella Ranch, Nature's Way Farm Ltd., Levke and Peter Eggers Farm, Frey Vineyards, Ltd., Chuck Noble, Larhea Pepper, Paul Romero, Brian Wickert, Bruce Drinkman, Murray Bast, and Donald Wright Patterson, Jr., Plaintiffs-Appellants, and
OCIA Research and Education Inc., Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society, Manitoba Organic Alliance, Union Paysanne, Family Farm Defenders Inc., Interlake Forage Seeds Ltd., Kirschenmann Family Farms Inc., and Jardin Del Alma, Plaintiffs,
MONSANTO COMPANY and Monsanto Technology LLC, Defendants-Appellees.