Nos. 2011-1440, 2011-1470.

694 F.3d 51 (2012)

LASERDYNAMICS, INC., Plaintiff-Appellant, v. QUANTA COMPUTER, INC., Defendant-Cross Appellant, and Quanta Computer USA, Inc., Quanta Storage, Inc., and Quanta Storage America, Inc., Defendants.

United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit.

August 30, 2012.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Matthew C. Gaudet, Duane Morris LLP, of Atlanta, GA, argued for plaintiff-appellant. On the brief were Robert L. Byer, of Pittsburgh, PA, and Gregory M. Luck, of Houston, TX, and Kristina Caggiano, of Washington, DC. Of counsel was Thomas W. Sankey, of Houston, TX.

Terrence Duane Garnett, Goodwin Procter, LLP, of Los Angeles, CA, argued for defendant/cross-appellant. With him on the brief were Vincent K. Yip, and Peter J. Wied.

Before DYK, CLEVENGER, and REYNA, Circuit Judges.

REYNA, Circuit Judge.

These appeals come before us after two trials in the district court — a first trial resolving the claims of patent infringement and damages, and a second trial ordered by the district court to retry the damages issues. The parties raise various issues relating to the proper legal framework for evaluating reasonable royalty damages in the patent infringement context. Also before us are questions regarding implied license, patent exhaustion...

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