Nos. 19-CV-1051 & 20-CV-71.

261 A.3d 200 (2021)

Charlotte R. BLOUNT, Appellant, v. Squire PADGETT, et al., Appellees.

District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

Decided October 14, 2021.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Charlotte R. Blount, pro se.

David H. Dupree was on the brief for appellee Eleanor Padgett.

Before Glickman, Thompson, and McLeese, Associate Judges.

Appellant Charlotte R. Blount appeals from two rulings of the Superior Court: an October 4, 2019, order denying her request for a "Determination of Dual Ownership" and for a writ of fieri facias as to the real property located at 1501 Kalmia Road, N.W. (the "Kalmia Road property"); and an October 15, 2019, order dismissing...

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