No. B269831.

6 Cal.App.5th 470 (2016)

In re the Marriage of GENISE and DONN MICHAEL SCHU, JR. GENISE J. GOMEZ, Appellant, v. DONN MICHAEL SCHU, JR., Respondent.

Court of Appeals of California, Second District, Division Six.

As modified December 19, 2016.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Griffith & Thornburgh, Bruce D. Glesby; Ferguson Case Orr Paterson and Wendy C. Lascher for Appellant.

Law Offices of Ralph B. Wegis, Ralph B. Wegis, Barry E. Rosenberg, Edward Gordon; Wilson & Pettine and Paul Pettine III for Respondent.


California's so-called "No Fault Divorce" law does not require a trial court to ignore evidence of fault when the spouse seeking support is guilty of domestic violence. Here, the court denied Genise J. Gomez support pusuant to Family Code section 4320, subdivisions...

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