BAP No. CO-23-012 Bankr. No. 21-15592 Adv. No. 22-01108.

660 B.R. 905 (2024)

IN RE Reson Lee WOODS and Shaun Woods, Debtors. Grange Insurance Association, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Reson Lee Woods and Shaun Woods, Defendants-Appellants.

United States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Tenth Circuit.

Filed July 11, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Drew Moore of Grand Junction, Colorado for Defendant-Appellants.

Martin E. Long of Long & Long P.C., Denver, Colorado for Plaintiff-Appellee.

Before JACOBVITZ, LOYD, and THURMAN, Bankruptcy Judges.


Mistakes happen, but mistakes, by definition, are not the result of clearly planned efforts. Appellant-Debtors, Shaun and Reson Lee ("Lee") Woods, contend that Shaun Woods mistakenly submitted a receipt for a riding lawn mower and a bill of sale for a diamond ring in support of replacement cash value...

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