Misc. Case No. 15-00204-TPA.

542 B.R. 350 (2015)

IN RE: All Matters Related to NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES COMPANY, et al. in Case No. 02-20198, as affected by the May 24, 2013 Order Entering Final Decree entered at Doc. No. 7940, Debtors Honeywell International, Inc., Plaintiff v. North American Refractories Asbestos Personal Injury Settlement Trust, Defendant and Future Claimants' Representative and North American Refractories Company Asbestos Trust Advisory Committee, Intervenors.

United States Bankruptcy Court, W.D. Pennsylvania.

Signed December 16, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Peter J. Sacripanti, Esq., for the Plaintiff.

Joseph T. Baio, Esq., for the Defendant.

Edwin J. Harron, Esq., Intervenor Future Claimants' Representative.

Leslie M. Kelleher, Esq., for Intervenor NARCO Asbestos Trust Advisory Committee.


Presently before the Court for decision following an extensive hearing, briefing, and argument is the Motion for Preliminary Injunction ("Motion") filed by the Plaintiff, Honeywell International, Inc. ("Honeywell") on July 13, 2015 at...

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