BAP No. CC-16-1041-LNTa Bk. No. 6:11-26154-SY Adv. No. 6:11-02053-SY.

566 B.R. 13 (2017)

IN RE: Clifford Allen BRACE, Jr., Debtor. Clifford Allen Brace, Jr., Individually and as the Trustee of the Crescent Trust Dated July 30, 2004; Anh N. Brace, Individually and as the Trustee of the Crescent Trust Dated July 30, 2004, Appellants, v. Steven M. Speier, Chapter 7 Trustee, Appellee.

United States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Ninth Circuit.

Filed March 15, 2017.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Stephen R. Wade, William Derek May, Law Offices of Stephen R. Wade, P.C., argued for appellants; D. Edward Hays, Matthew W. Grimshaw, Judith E. Marshack, of Marshack Hays LLP, argued for appellee.

Before: LAFFERTY, TAYLOR, and NOVACK, Bankruptcy Judges.



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