No. CV 402-182.

274 F.Supp.2d 1352 (2003)

NIKE INC., Plaintiff, v. VARIETY WHOLESALERS, INC. d/b/a Rose's Stores, Inc., Defendant.

United States District Court, S.D. Georgia, Savannah Division.

July 22, 2003.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Patrick T. O'Connor, Paul Hughes Threlkeld, Oliver, Maner & Gray, LLP, Savannah, GA, Louis S. Ederer, Neil S. Goldstein, Michael D. Pantalony, Gursky & Ederer, LLP, New York, NY, for Nike, Inc., plaintiff.

Glen M. Darbyshire, Roy Robinson Kelly, IV, Inglesby, Falligant, Home, Courington & Chisholm, PC, Savannah, GA, W. Thad Adams, III, Matthew J. Ladenheim, Adams, Schwartz & Evans, PA, Charlotte, NC, for Varsity Wholesalers, Inc. dba Rose's Stores, Inc., defendant.


NANGLE, District Judge.

Plaintiff Nike Inc. ("Nike") alleges that defendant Variety Wholesalers, Inc. ("Variety") breached a settlement agreement between the parties and engaged in trademark counterfeiting, trademark infringement, unfair competition, trademark dilution and false designation of origin. Specifically, Nike claims that Variety breached a settlement agreement and violated Nike's trademarks...

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