213 A.D.2d 909 (1995)

623 N.Y.S.2d 962

In the Matter of Loretta Langhorne, Petitioner, v. Norwood E. Jackson, as Commissioner of The Department of Correction of the County of Westchester, et al., Respondents

Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Third Department.

March 23, 1995

White, J.

When this CPLR article 78 proceeding was previously before us (206 A.D.2d 666), we withheld decision and remitted the matter to respondents for development of appropriate findings supporting the determination to terminate petitioner's employment. Now that the requisite findings have been made, we shall proceed to consider the issues raised by petitioner.

In July 1991, disciplinary charges were preferred...

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