529 Pa. 26 (1992)

601 A.2d 789

Joyce E. CROUSE, Appellant, v. COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES and Bureau of Risk and Insurance Management. The TOWNSHIP OF ROSS, Appellant, v. COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES.

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Decided January 3, 1992.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

D. Scott Eaby, Clifford T. Early, and C. Donald Gates, for appellant.

Charles E. Anderson, P. Alan Zulick, and Michael D. Reed for Dept. of Gen. Services at Nos. 39 and 30.

T. Francis Horning, and Joseph D. Buckley, for Bureau of Risk and Ins. Management at No. 39.


NIX, Chief Judge.

Appellants are appealing from orders of the Commonwealth Court which affirmed the Department of General Services' ("Department") and the Bureau of Risk and Insurance Management's ("Bureau") denial of death benefits provided by Section 1 of the Act of June 24, 1976, P.L. 424, No. 101, as amended, 53 P.S. § 891 (Act 101).

In Crouse v. Commonwealth, Dept of General Services...

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