Bankruptcy Nos. 79-00404, 80-0001.

4 B.R. 415 (1980)

In re Tommye Lee HONAKER, Debtor. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF SAGINAW, Plaintiff, v. Tommye Lee HONAKER, Defendant.

United States Bankruptcy Court, E.D. Michigan, N.D.

June 10, 1980.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

William S. Koepke, II, Koepke, Titus & Dill, Saginaw, Mich., for plaintiff.

Arthur J. Spector, Pergande, Shaw & Spector, Bay City, Mich., for defendant.


HARVEY D. WALKER, Bankruptcy Judge.

This matter came before the Court for trial on March 11, 1980, on the Complaint of Second National Bank of Saginaw, seeking to assert its rights as a secured creditor. The Complaint is sufficient to give the Defendant notice of the nature of the claim and the facts relied upon, although it technically should request relief from the stay rather than reclamation. To do substantial justice the...

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