Docket No. 60848, (Calendar No. 11).

406 Mich. 284 (1979)

279 N.W.2d 761


Supreme Court of Michigan.

Decided June 18, 1979.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Marston, Sachs, Nunn, Kates, Kadushin & O'Hare, P.C. (by David K. Barnes), for plaintiff.

Drillock, Atkins, Schrope & Marcus for defendant.


This appeal arises from a wrongful death action brought by decedent's widow. Plaintiff contended at trial that her husband's death resulted from the negligence of defendant.

Defendant, an excavation contractor, was hired to excavate a trench on the premises of the Sunset Trailer Park in Sandusky, Michigan. The excavation was part of a planned expansion of the trailer park which required that a trench be dug from the existing septic system to...

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