No. 31270.

137 So.2d 201 (1962)

ORANGE BREVARD PLUMBING & HEATING Company, Appellant, v. Henry J. LA CROIX and Helen P. LaCroix, Appellees.

Supreme Court of Florida.

January 31, 1962.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Gilbert Bentley, Orlando, for appellant.

Sanders, McEwan, Schwarz & Mims, Orlando, for appellees.

HOBSON, Justice.

On May 22, 1959, the appellant, who was the plaintiff in the action below, obtained and recorded a judgment in the circuit court for Orange County, Florida against the appellees in the sum of $5,972.18. At the time the judgment was rendered and for some three and one-half years prior thereto the appellees owned as tenants by the entirety and occupied as their homestead certain real property in Orange County, Florida. On July 22, 1959, the appellees...

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