Civ. No. 313.

195 F.Supp. 281 (1961)

NORTHWEST OIL & REFINING CO., a Nevada corporation, Plaintiff, v. HONOLULU OIL CORPORATION, a corporation, and Hunt Oil Company, a corporation, Defendants.

United States District Court D. Montana, Billings Division.

July 5, 1961.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Luedke & Packwood, Billings, Mont., for plaintiff.

Coleman, Lamey & Crowley, Billings, Mont., for defendant Honolulu Oil Corp.

Cooke, Moulton, Bellingham & Longo, Billings, Mont., for defendant Hunt Oil Co.

JAMESON, District Judge.

Plaintiff, a Nevada corporation, seeks damages from Honolulu Oil Corporation and Hunt Oil Company, both Delaware corporations, for alleged failure to comply with a crude oil contract dated March 1, 1959, as amended by certain instruments hereinafter described. Both defendants have filed motions for summary judgment. There has been extensive discovery by all parties, particularly through admissions of facts and documents.1...

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