No. 5288.

315 S.W.2d 589 (1958)

Alonzo C. THAMES et al., Appellants, v. ROTARY ENGINEERING COMPANY, Appellee.

Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, El Paso.

Rehearing Denied August 27, 1958.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Turpin, Kerr & Smith, Thornton Hardie, Jr., Midland, Blanton & McMahon, Odessa, for appellants.

Harris & Culver, H. S. Harris, Jr., Whitaker & Brooks, Richard S. Brooks, Midland, for appellee.

FRASER, Justice.

This suit originated in the District Court of Midland County, Texas, as a suit for a permanent injunction to enjoin the two defendants in the court below, appellants herein, from carrying on business activities engaged in or contemplated by the plaintiff, appellee herein. The trial was held before the court, and judgment entered for the plaintiff, enjoining defendants below from engaging, directly or indirectly, in the trade or business of hydrocarbon...

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