4 A.D.2d 712 (1957)

In the Matter of the Claim of Dewella J. Coressmann, Appellant, v. R. J. Moran & Sons, Inc., et al., Respondents. Workmen's Compensation Board, Respondent

Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Third Department.

June 13, 1957

The employer is a plumbing contractor and employed decedent as a plumber. Decedent resided in Buffalo, N. Y., and was engaged in employment on a construction job in Akron, N. Y., a distance of about 20 miles from the Buffalo city line. Decedent drove his own car from his home to the job and return. On the date of his death he left the job site at about 4:40 P.M., and while operating his own car on the direct route home he met instant death in an automobile collision at Clarence...

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