Civ. No. 6366.

125 F.Supp. 775 (1954)

A. B. McDONALD, Plaintiff, v. George D. KEY, Benjamin M. Cassity and J. Wm. Cordell, Defendants.

United States District Court W. D. Oklahoma.

October 18, 1954.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

A. B. McDonald, Oklahoma City, Okl., J. B. Dudley, Sr., Oklahoma City, Okl., for plaintiff.

Edward M. Box, Oklahoma City, Okl., for defendants.

CHANDLER, District Judge.

The sole question for determination is whether the placing of the word "Negro" in parenthesis after a candidate's name on an Oklahoma primary ballot as required by State statute deprives the candidate of the equal protection of the laws or of any rights, privileges or immunities secured to him by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Material and relevant parts of the Constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma are:<...

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