8 F.2d 103 (1923)


District Court, E. D. Louisiana, New Orleans Division.

August 27, 1923.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Terriberry, Rice & Young, of New Orleans, La., for Richard Meyer Co.

W. J. & H. W. Waguespack, of New Orleans, La., for Jose Ybarrmia.

Scott E. Beer, of New Orleans, La., for Kohlmann Bros. & Sugarman.

FOSTER, District Judge.

The steamship Estrada Palma was seized at the instance of libelant, John Alsina Company, Limited, on a claim for materials furnished, and was subsequently sold by the marshal, bringing $8,100, which was deposited in the registry of the court less the marshal's costs. There are various interventions, for seamen's wages, supplies, pilotage, wharfage, and other claims. The case went to a Commissioner, who proceeded to hear the evidence and pass...

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