Our production procedures are unique as each decision or order is painstakingly processed through all three stages of publication, starting with daily downloading of slip opinions. Advance Sheet versions are processed soon after being published to incorporate citations, pagination and other changes. Lastly, the bound volume version is processed to assure that any changes at this stage are precisely reflected.
Our database is broad and deep. Our federal collections include all U. S. Supreme Court (all decisions from 1792), U. S. Circuit Courts of Appeal (all decisions with a written opinion from 1924), Federal District Courts (published and unpublished decisions - published decisions from 1932 and available unpublished decisions from 2009), U. S. Tax Courts (all available decisions from 1924 included in Tax Court Reports, Tax Court Memorandum and Board of Tax Appeals Reports), U. S. Bankruptcy Court (all published decisions from 1979 and available unpublished decisions from 2009).
Our State Database includes all State Supreme Courts and Court of Appeals (all decisions from 1950) and Delaware Chancery Court (all decisions from 1950)
Our library is comprehensive and contains over 10 million published and unpublished cases. We know of no other publisher providing such a complete collection with the accuracy and currency of Leagle.
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